What is your hobby? You can earn money with your hobby. Nowadays, it's very difficult to find a job. If you have a 9-5 daily routine job which you have a minimum salary that can hardly make ends meet, why not make your hobby as you part time job and who knows, if you think you are already earning more than your monthly salary, you can quit your job and make your own business.
Before I became a real estate marketer, I made my hobby as a source of income...curtain making. Before that I was working as a full time liaison officer. While working, since sewing is really my hobby, when I still have time before I go to sleep I made some curtains, comforters, throwpillows and I sell some to friends that I knew. I really enjoy what I was doing until I realized that I'm making more than what I earn as a full time employee. It was then that I decided to make my own business.
If you think that you need another way to augment your income, why don't you think of your hobby as a supplement to your present income. The following are some books that might interest you and start your own small source of income, who knows...you might succeed. Depending on which hobby you want please just choose from the following:
Perfumes, Splashes, and Colognes

by Ms. Nancy M. Booth
At a very young age of eight, she already started blending fragrance. This means that this is really her hobby...perfume making. In this book, she narrated how she started until she decided to make it as her business. In her book, you will be able to know everything about fragrance, to name a few, the essentials of fragrance, the ingredients of fragrance, building your fragrance profile and a lot more that will make you understand all about fragrance and perfume.
Jewelry Making
This is another hobby that can earn you money. Women, children and even men loves to wear jewelries. My best friend's wife is presently successful in her jewelry making business. Even foreigners here in Brunei buy jewelries from her by volume for them to sell in their homeland. She has her own design and she is really gifted in this field. She even make costumes for holloween parties. Jewelry is one of the things that we need physically and if this is your hobby, why don't you start now. Maybe you don't realize it yet until you see this book.
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making and Beading

by Chris Franchetti Michaels
In her book, she narrated in details the introduction to jewelry making and beading, the art of design, basic bead stringing techniques, more advanced stringing techniques, bead weaving, basic wirework, more advanced wirework techniques, using a wire jig, and many others.
Another hobby that can add to your income is gardening. If you have a big compound you can make use of the other area for gardening. Aside from giving beauty to your own compound, you can earn extra income from gardening. Flowers are loved by all for beauty and other plants like fruit trees and some vegetable plants which can save you money if you plant your own. If your hobby is gardening, venture with gardening and I'm sure you will enjoy especially if you are a nature lover. Here is another book that might help you.
The Gardener's A-Z Guide To Growing Flowers from Seed to Bloom: 576 annuals, perrenials and bulbs in full colour.
by Eileen Powell
In her book, she talks about her experiences in gardening, creating successful gardens, she even talk about the mystery and magic of seeds, collecting and starting your own seed and many more. You can learn a lot from her book.
Child Care Center
Another hobby that can earn you money is a day care business. If you are fond of children and you think you can deal with naughty children, then you can venture on this. The Principal and the owner of the school where my daughter is studying now started with day care and nursery school. My daughter started at her school when she was only three years old and until now that she is primary four. I admire her determination and perseverance. She only started with how many kids enrolled at that time. But her strong determination and perseverance with her ambition and with the help and support of her loving husband, followed with her patience with the kids that made parents trust her to take care of their children at school, brought her to what she is today. From day care with only a few kids to take care, now she has about 300 hundred plus kids and until primary six. The Ministry of Education here in Brunei was convinced of her capability to run a school and was approved as the Pricipal.
Here is another book that can help you if you want to venture into day care business. Who knows, you can be successful in this business.
How to Open and Operate a Financially Successful Child Care Service: With Companion CD-ROM
by Tina Musial
In her book, she narrated in details, step by step how to open a child care service. The pointers are complete. Click the image and search the inside of the book and if you are fond of children maybe you can consider to start a child care service centre. Nowadays, working parents are opting to child care centres to look after their children while they are working. I'm sure, given the right management and the right caring for children, you can achieve success in this field.
These are only a few of the hobbies that can earn money for you. In this present world economic situation, inflation and a lot of factors that makes our income not enough for our daily needs, we need to have another source to supplement our income. Each one of us have talents...GOD given talents. If you are in a difficult situation, don't lost hope. Instead, THINK! You have your talent that GOD gave you to use in order to survive. We read and heard a lot of stories about people who were really in deep financial troubles that maybe because of stress with their problems, they were not able to think that they have GOD given talents they can use for their lives. Even myself, I have been in that situation. But thankfully, I did not give up. I always think that GOD gave me life and HE gave me the "tools" that I need to live, and that is my talent.
So there folks, start to think what hobby you have and start to earn money with that hobby. Since that is your hobby, for sure you will enjoy what you do and next is you can expect success. Best wishes and best of luck to all of you who are going to start and to those who are already successful, just keep going. Be an inspiration and example to those who are just starting.
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